Brookfield Results 2023

Brookfield is the top performing school in Derbyshire
Brookfield has secured its position as the number one school in Derbyshire for students at GCSE, with a Progress 8 score of +0.51, a figure significantly above national average. The government last week published performance data from the summer 2023 GCSE exams for all secondary schools, sixth forms and colleges. The main measure the government uses to judge secondary school academic performance is Progress 8 (P8). A school’s Progress 8 score compares the progress made by its students (from the end of primary school to the end of secondary school) with all schools nationally.
In addition, 80% of students also achieved a grade 4 or above in both Maths and English, and 56% achieving grade 5 or above.
Data can be seen at the official DFE portal - ‘Compare school and college performance in England’ - which can be found here:
I know you will agree that this represents outstanding performance. These results improve even on last year’s and represent the strongest in the school’s history. Alongside our extensive and growing extra-curricular provision, this is a real platform on which future success will be achieved.