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Brookfield Parent and Friends Association

Raising funds. Enriching lives.

Who are we?

Brookfield Community School is a unique secondary school, as it has a very active parents and friends association (the BPFA). The BPFA is a fundraising body for the school and a charity in its own right. All monies raised are spent on projects that support, enrich and advance the education of our children during their time at secondary school. It represents a positive and proactive partnership between parents and the school.

What do we do?

We grant all monies raised to the school for projects suggested by students and staff. We try to support those extras that the school budget might not cover.

Recently we have been active in supporting the school by:

  • Framing some amazing artwork produced by pupils
  • Helping with the decoration of the new sixth form area
  • Purchasing and installing two state-of-the-art water fountains
  • Purchasing two heavy-duty outdoor table tennis tables
  • Purchasing recreational outdoor tables and seating
  • Purchasing specialist equipment for the Food Technology department

We always welcome suggestions as to where the money raised might benefit students. Email us your ideas!

Can you lend a hand to support us? 

All parents, guardians or carers of a pupil in the school are automatically members of the association.

The BPFA are always looking for new members to offer a little support, for example:

  • Manning our events. Our main fundraising comes from organising the Christmas Market and serving refreshments at the school production
  • Baking. We are always looking for bakers to donate their cakes/bakes/biscuits/pastries that we can sell at events
  • Donating raffle prizes. We organise several raffles would like gifts to use as main prizes or to make up our hampers

For those who want to be more involved, please come and join the committee. We meet with the headmaster each half term to discuss ideas and plan activities. Getting involved is a great way to demonstrate the importance you place on education to your child. Joining will benefit your child and the school. It’s also good fun and a great way to meet other like-minded parents – and we have been known to have the occasional social meeting!

Please let us know what you could do to help. Do you have a local business and would like to get involved in corporate sponsorship? We are open to any ‘out of the box’ fundraising ideas.

Other Ways To Help

If you can’t help in person, please help online by doing your shopping through one of our two fundraising options.

Please download easyfundraising from your App Store set Brookfield Parents and Friends Association as your chosen charity and shop through any of 4000 retailers as you normally would e.g. EBay, Just eat, Argos etc. You can also set their webpage as one of your favourites

We are also registered with Amazon Smile, that you can access through easyfundraising or just go to Again search for our name and set us as your charity.

Contact Us

Each new academic year we include a form in the pack sent from the school, which asks for any volunteers. Simply fill in your details and indicate where you could offer support, or fill in the form electronically here. You can also contact us at any time by email at

You can also follow our activities on the school social media channels. 

We are a small but friendly group, and always need new faces to help us replace older members whose children move on from the school.

Many thanks,

Brookfield Parents and Friends Association Committee
Charity No: 1043640

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