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Co-Curricular Offer

We recognise the importance of extending our students' learning beyond the classroom, celebrating and encouraging them to develop their talents and interests. Our comprehensive offer includes a broad range of activities and booster leaning sessions. Activities on offer include sports, performing arts, creative arts, enterprise and STEM based subjects, as well as providing leadership experiences through our relationship with the SHAPE Partnership, and the opportunity for students to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Many students are able to represent the school on the sports field at local, county and regional level in both individual and team activities. Each year we also compete in work related competitions, such as The Young Enterprise scheme and the Magistrates Mock Trial competition.

Brookfield has a well-established reputation for delivering outstanding annual school productions and dance shows. These events involve many students from across all the school years, enabling them to demonstrate their performing skills to the local community.

We are committed to removing any barriers to participation and will endeavour to support any students who wish to access and enjoy any of the activities on offer. As well as out of lesson learning opportunities, we deliver an extensive programme of visits, residential trips and experiences co-ordinated through subjects and via our career's education programme. Recently students have visited Sheffield University, Iceland to study tectonic plate movement and energy consumption, Italy skiing and Mexico to complete ecological studies.

Details of all our Brookfield Plus Co-Curricular Clubs are displayed on the TV screens around school and are updated when club details change. Please note that Lunchtime Clubs run from 12.15 - 12.55pm and After School Clubs run from 3-4pm. 

Our new Curriculum Plus booklet can be seen below. 

See below our current 2023 - 2024 Academic Enrichment offer for Year 11 and Year 13. 

Duke of Edinburgh Awards 

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a challenging programme for young people aged between 14 and 24.  The DofE tests and builds an individual's commitment, resilience and teamwork in a practical, fun and energetic way.

There are three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold which lead to a Duke of Edinburgh's Award.   You achieve an Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections (five if you're going for Gold).  You'll find yourself helping people or the community, getting fitter, developing skills, going on expeditions and taking part in a residential activity (Gold only).

Most importantly you as a participant get to choose what to do!  This also means that it is up to you as a participant to get yourself organised and complete the award off your own back.  Your teachers are there to guide and assist, but the hard work should be coming from you!

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards are a real challenge, but the flip side is that you’ll pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

At Brookfield, we offer students the chance to start their Bronze DofE in Year 10.  Those with the required commitment can go on to achieve their Silver Award with the school's assistance, and finally our leaders will point the special few in the right direction to complete their Gold Award after they have left Brookfield.

If you have any queries about the Award please e-mail A.Williams.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Website

Expedition Kit List

Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Food Suggestions

Instrument and Singing Lessons

Would you like to learn a musical instrument or learn to sing?

Do you already play an instrument and just want to continue developing your skills and knowledge?

We offer all students the opportunity to learn to sing and/or play a musical instrument whilst they are at Brookfield Community School.

Tuition takes place during the school day with individuals or small groups of students who will leave part of their curriculum lessons to attend. Wherever possible music tutors will devise a rotation system to avoid pupils missing the same part of the same lesson repeatedly. All of our self-employed music tutors (listed below) have been accredited, and have their work quality assured by the Derby & Derbyshire Music Partnership which also helps with the cost of instrumental and vocal lessons through various schemes including financial subsidies for:

  • New starters 
  • Pupils continuing from Wider Opportunities (whole-class music lessons) 
  • SEN pupils 
  • Families facing financial hardship 
  • Tuition on rarer instruments 
  • Additional support for pupils performing at higher grades.

Where appropriate, the instrumental or vocal tutor accesses these subsidies on the students behalf and only charges the parent/guardian for the balance of the lesson cost.

Music Tutors

Double Bass

Sara Brown


Andy Feeney


Michael Myler

Keyboards / Piano

Helen Wallace-Batley


Effie Hodgkinson

Strings (Violin & Viola) 

Daryl Sharpe

Woodwind (Flute & Clarinet) 

Helen Wallace-Batley

If you would like to take up any of these opportunities, please contact Mr A Davey at