Home-School Agreement
We expect all Sixth Form students to do the following:
- Actively engage and participate in lessons.
Meet agreed deadlines for work set and use study time wisely.
Prepare fully for examinations by having a clear revision plan.
Attend all examinations for which you have been entered and comply with the conditions set by the examination boards.
- React and respond to feedback provided by teaching staff.
- Engage fully with any academic or pastoral intervention that is put in place to support you with your studies.
- Develop a positive mind-set and do not be afraid to get things wrong.
- Make the most of the many opportunities available to you throughout your time in the Sixth Form.
- Take an active role in the extra-curricular, Stellar Programme and leadership opportunities.
- Increase Employability skills by getting involved in work experience, volunteering and/or work shadowing.
- Use the support in school to help you fully research the progression pathways that are available to you post Brookfield and meet the application deadlines.
- Attend assemblies, registration and all lessons punctually.
- Use the Library, Sixth Form Study Area and designated canteen space for independent study during Study Periods.
- Only leave the school site during break and lunchtime (unless you earn the privilege by your HOY to leave the school site during study periods), ensuring that you sign in and out and only use the specified entrance and exit point.
- Provide appropriate documentation to support any absence and let school know on the first morning you are absent due to illness.
- Avoid holidays during school term time.
- Act as a positive role model to students in the lower school.
- Treat others with respect regardless of any differences and challenge any unacceptable attitudes.
- Follow the Sixth Form Dress Code.
- Respect the rights of others to study by being quiet in the Library and respecting the rules in the Hive.
- Only use mobile phones for educational purposes (listening to music when doing independent study is allowed).
- Do not take hot food or drinks out of the school canteen or bring them on to the school site.
- Only use the designated classrooms at breaks and lunch, ensuring that they are left clean and tidy.
As a school we will support students in following the Code of Conduct by:
- Giving students an assigned Form Tutor to support and guide overall progress and well-being.
- Tracking and monitoring progress and effort three times a year.
- Providing a formal written report once each year.
- Inviting parents and students to attend the annual Parents Evening.
- Targeting intervention at those students who need extra support.
- Mock Examinations in May of Y12 and Dec of Y13.
- Diagnostic feedback from subject staff on how students can progress.
- Experienced, caring and professional teaching staff.
- Information on syllabus requirements, assessment objectives and coursework criteria and deadlines.
- High levels of pastoral support covering a range of welfare issues(including support with mental health issues) .
- Celebration of success including the Brookfield Reward programme.
- A timetabled, comprehensive Post 18 support programme covering all post 18 progression routes including access to the well-resourced Careers Library and in-house highly experienced Careers Advisor.
- Support with Employability preparation through weekly timetabled Personal Development lessons and calendared Work Experience.
- A Post 18 Guidance Day and Evening for parents.
- A chance to develop a breadth of additional skills through the Chances and Extra-curricular programmes.
- Celebration of excellent attendance and punctuality.
- Half termly attendance and punctuality tracking.
- Targeted intervention for those students who need support with attendance and punctuality.
- Y12 Orientation Day and Y12 Parent Information Evening to aid the transition from GCSE to A Level.
- A timetabled weekly Personal Development programme and Form Time programme that provides general knowledge, preparation for the next stage in their lives and awareness of current issues including how to keep healthy and safe when living independently.