At Brookfield Community School we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. We are ‘committed to excellence’ in the pastoral care that we provide, and safeguarding is central to this.
Keeping children and staff safe is our highest priority and evidence of this can be seen in our everyday practise and ethos.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:
- Protecting children from maltreatment
- Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcome
At Brookfield, we are a community where:
- We show support, respect and tolerance, are kind and inclusive.
- We understand that bullying is STOP - Several Times on Purpose.
- We appreciate the usefulness and opportunities technology has for our learning but are aware of how to keep ourselves safe using it.
- We value safeguarding - if people are not safe they cannot learn, be happy or fulfil their potential.
- We know who our safeguarding staff are and our role in keeping children safe.
- We show a good level of understanding of processes and systems, recording and reporting including; how to access support Information and protocols around sharing information with other agencies and professionals.
Details of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found on our Policies page.
Safeguarding & Pastoral Support Team
Role | Staff Member | |
Headteacher | Mr K Hirst | |
Chair of Governors | Mr I Webb | |
Safeguarding Link Governor | Mrs E Buggins | |
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mr M Robinson | |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs P Allan | |
Safer Recruitment | Mrs W Fox | |
Inclusion Officer/Early Help | Mrs H Grundy (Maternity Leave) | |
Heads of House | Mr S Cliff (Baslow) | |
Miss L Ridgeway (Birchen) | | |
Miss A New (Curbar) | | |
Mr C Mason (Froggatt) | | |
Mr C Greenwood (Gardom's) | | |
Pastoral Support | Miss K Milnes | |
Pastoral Support | Miss K Rutherford | |
Sixth Form Head of Year | Mr M Ebbage | |
Sixth Form Head of Year | Mrs S Nash | |
Sixth Form Pastoral Support | Mrs R Morse | |
Sixth Form Pastoral Support | Mrs H Mason | |
External Support
Relate Counselling | ||
CAMHS Advice |
CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. For more details about this service visit
Reporting Online Abuse
If you are experiencing or have witnessed online abuse, please use the link below to report any abuse.
Early Help
Our Principles
- Raising aspirations of young people and the community.
- Meeting individual need and overcoming barriers.
- Community involvement and neighbourhood renewal.
- Collaboration with partnerships on the community.
- Keeping young people in education and providing strategies of support in their future development.
- Increasing achievement levels for young people and the community to raise aspirations and engagement.
- Involving young people and the community, taking into account their views on provision.
- Inclusivity for all.
Our Aims
- To encourage achievement for all by effectively working in the community to overcome barriers to learning.
- To ensure that children and their families are located at the heart of any operational activity.
- To provide coherent and consistent practises in working with children and their families.
- To provide planned joint activities aimed at promoting choice and inclusion and the prevention of unwanted outcomes.
- To provide support to enable young people and the community to have improved choices and access to training and development.
- To create stronger communities with more active engagement, working together to tackle problems.
- To provide early intervention strategies and support to increase awareness, break down barriers and remove social stigmas.
- To provide solution-focused projects that support the health and wellbeing of young people.
- To provide wrap around support services to young people in the community and school environment.
- To create intergenerational projects in the community.
- To provide support services for young people with mental health issues.
To provide youth activities in the community to encourage engagement and to create and support entrepreneurial skills.
Early Help Resources:
External Safeguarding Resources & Support
Mental Health Support:
Kooth – Free online counselling for young people
Qwell – Free online counselling adults
There is a useful video regarding Kooth and Qwell, here.
CAMHS (Core/NHS) – 01246 514412 – Chesterfield Royal hospital
Urgent Care Team – 10am-10pm 07901330724 (for emergency mental health needs only)
Derbyshire Family Health Service -
CEOP support (online safety)
Samaritans - 116 123
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000, or email
Childline - 0800 1111, or
Anna Freud - On My Mind: A range of sources of support for students in relation to mental health and wellbeing
Free NHS counselling services age 16+ (able to self-refer):
Trent PTS – 01246 387488 -
Talking MH – 01246 274812 -
Relate (children and adults) – 01246 231010 -
Drug and alcohol support services:
DAAS – Derbyshire alcohol support services – 01246 206514
Derbyshire Recovery Service for drug and alcohol addiction – 01246 206514
Young people substance abuse support – 01773 303646
Domestic Abuse – emotional and physical
The Elm Foundation - 01246 540464
Derbyshire county council – 0800 0198 668 - For support outside normal working hours, phone Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190 or in an emergency phone the police on 999
Crossroads – 01457 856675
Local foodbanks and assistance with support for vulnerable people
Chesterfield foodbank (Trussell trust) - 07984 589456
Child and Adult safeguarding
Adults – 01629 533190
Children - If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection calls at any time. Or contact the police by ringing their call centre number tel: 101 (24 hours per day).
Where families and young people may need additional support & early help
111 - for non-urgent health assistance
101 – police non-emergency assistance and advice
999 – Emergency/life-threatening events only – police, fire, health
The Internet can be a fantastic place for children and young people where they can talk to friends, be creative and have fun. However, just like in the real world sometimes things can go wrong. If you are worried or upset about something which has happened on the Internet there is help out there. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online?
If you have experienced sexual or offensive chat that has made you feel uncomfortable or someone is trying to meet up with you, please report this directly to us. This may have happened in a chat room, message board, instant messenger or on a social networking site. It could be on a mobile phone, games console or computer. It could be messages, images or conversations over webcam. The important thing is that if an adult is making sexual advances to you on the Internet you should report it to one of our Safeguarding Team members (details above).
Online Safety
Worried about viruses, hacking and your computer’s security? Being a victim of online crime can be as distressing as real-world robbery. Learn about the real risks and understand the urgency of protecting yourself at GetSafeOnline.