School Meals
At Brookfield Community School, we offer a wide range of healthy eating options that are as full of flavour and nutritious. Every week, a different menu is on offer to students as shown below.
Main Menu 2024/25
The current Lunch Menu is from the 1st-25th April. More information on the full menu will follow after half term.
Price List 2023/2024
Cashless Biometric Payment
Cashless biometrics avoids the need to use cash at the till.
Each student has their own account which is linked to their individual fingerprint.
How does it work?
When a student places their finger on the scanner the software matches their fingerprint with the unique digital signature held in the database. The students account information is then displayed on the till or revaluation machine.
The software we use turns your student’s fingerprint into a mathematical algorithm and the image of the fingerprint is then discarded. The information stored cannot be used to recreate an image of the child’s fingerprint at any stage.
You can be reassured that the fingerprint images cannot be used by any other source for identification purposes.
When your child leaves school the data is deleted.
The benefits of this are:
- Convenience of paying for meals
- Discourages the misuse of spending dinner money in the shops on the way to school
- Reduces issues associated with cash such as bullying, loss of money or theft
- Queuing is reduced due to increased speed of service
- Free school meal students use the same system therefore any possible stigma is removed
- Reports of student purchases can be created
Free School Meal Entitlement
Students entitled to free school meals will have the value of a meal automatically credited to their account on a daily basis. Any free meal allowance left at the end of each day is wiped off and cannot be carried over to the next day.
Free school meal accounts can also have money added to them.
Student Information:
- Your account must in credit before you can use it
- No cash will be accepted at the tills
To add credit to your account:
Please ensure that your child’s account is credited for their first day in school.
One or more of these methods will be available in school:
Revaluation Machines:
These machines take cash in the form of coins and notes and will credit your account. (They do not accept 5p, 2p and 1p.)
Cash/Cheques must be in a sealed envelope with your name, tutor group and year on the front of the envelope. Please make cheques payable to: Derbyshire County Council, write your name and tutor group on the back.
Speak with your Catering Supervisor in school or contact Catering, Head Office 01629 536704
Free School Meals
If you think your child might be eligible for Free School Meals, we encourage you to contact the friendly Free School Meals Team:
Phone: 01629 536400 / 01629 535743
Find out more about claiming Free School Meals at:
Many people don't apply for free school meals. That's why we are continuing with our campaign to encourage all families to register regardless of if they believe they may be eligible.
You don’t need to worry about other children knowing your child gets free school meals. They are offered the same food and sit in the same area. Only the school, and in secondary schools the catering staff, will know. They don't have to have them every day, but it will save you money and time in making a packed lunch!
You could save £400 a year for each child and your children could benefit from a good hot meal at lunchtime. The school will benefit too as they’ll get the pupil premium of £1,000 a year from the government for each child eligible for free school meals.