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A Level Results Day

Brookfield students celebrate A Level success.

Excitement filled the air as the class of 2024 returned to Brookfield Community School to collect their A Level results. Sixth Form students have now received their results and are ready to embark on the next chapters of their lives. This year we are celebrating some great achievements for the school, with a large number of successful applications, including students gaining places at Russell Group universities. Two students have successfully secured their place to study Veterinary Science, an area where competition every year is intense. Overall, the cohort achieved a brilliant pass rate of 99.5%. The percentage of A* to A students was almost 20%, over 40% securing A* to B grades.

Mrs. Lauren Bradshaw, Head of Sixth Form, has said: “It has been a privilege to see our Year 13 students celebrating their successes. They have worked extremely hard, shown resilience and maturity which will enable them to be successful in their next steps. The majority of students are going to university in September, whilst others are pursuing apprenticeships and training. We are extremely proud of them all.”

Headteacher, Keith Hirst, said, “Many congratulations to our students who have achieved some excellent results today. Days like today are the product of hard work, resilience and determination over the past two years and students deserve enormous praise for what they have achieved. This has been fantastic year group comprised of wonderful, committed students who have been a credit to Brookfield in their time at the school. I wish them the very best in their next steps.”

The following students deserve special recognition for their A-Level achievements:

  • Aiden Abbottspooner – A*, A and B (Fine Art, Mathematics and Psychology)
  • Oliver Addy – grade A in all three of his subjects (Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics)
  • Lewis Coppinger – A* in all three of his subjects (Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics)
  • Lily Essler – Grade A in all of her A-Level subjects and an A* in her Extended Project.
  • Lottie Green – A* in both Textiles and Fine Art.
  • Brenden Heath - A in all four of his A-Level subjects (Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics).
  • Poppy Holdaway – Grade A in all three of her A-Level subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics).
  • Sylvie Kurcewicz – A*,A, A (Fine Art, Biology and History)
  • Daniel Norris –grade A in all three of his subjects (Economics, History and Politics)
  • Bethany Renshaw – A in all of her A-Level subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Psychology) and an A in Extended Project

A huge congratulations to the following students that achieved an A* grade in their A-Level studies this year: Aidan Abbottspooner, Lewis Coppinger, Lily Essler, Lottie Green, Sylvie Kurcewicz, Hannah Lambert, Harry Lawson, Elizabeth Lovatt, Indigo Millward.

After much hard work, resilience and academic rigour, both Hannah Lambert and Bethany Renshaw secured their places at University to study Veterinary Science. Hannah will be attending Harper and Keele Veterinary School whilst Bethany will be studying at the University of Surrey.

All of the students at Brookfield should be immensely proud of their achievements and we wish all of them the very best in the future journey.