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Life 360

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Introduction to Life 360 (Formerly PD)

At KS3 the curriculum addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills, which will equip students for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media.  

At KS4 students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during KS3. It reflects that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.

Key Stage 3

Students study 3 main themes

  • Health and well-being
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world.

In year, 7, 8 and 9 the students have a fortnightly timetabled lesson. In addition to this, 2 form times a week are allocated to consolidate the key themes. These key themes will also be a focus for assemblies (both key stage and year group) throughout the year. 

More sensitive topics, such as healthy relationships, are delivered to each year group. These sessions are led by experienced staff using age-appropriate resources.


Key Stage 4

This is not an accredited course.

However, the key themes that were introduced in KS3 will be consolidated in KS4 with 2 form times a week, plus assemblies allocated to the subject. Topics covered in form time will follow the 3 main themes that were introduced at KS3 - health and well-being, relationships and living in the wider world.  Through these themes, students will study topics such as British values, living in the wider world, mental well-being and physical health.

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, staying safe (including Internet safety) and healthy relationships, including intimate relationships.

Key Stage 5

The Life 360+ curriculum taught in the Sixth Form aims to build on life skills that students have already developed throughout Key Stage 3 and 4. Students’ complete three assessed pieces in Year 12: an essay, a presentation and a test and are awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction for each.

The following key areas are covered:

Year 12

  • Study and Revision Skills
  • General Knowledge Carousel
  • Employability and Careers

Year 13

  • Post 18 Progression preparation
  • Living Independently (including Radicalisation)
  • Healthy Mind and Body


Guest speakers and outside providers are used to enrich this curriculum area and embed what is taught in the classroom.

Progression Opportunities

The themes that are covered within this subject area provide students with a range of information to enable them to make informed choices in their adult lives.