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Information for Parents

We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new Year 6 students who officially start in September 2024. A one week induction programme is planned from 8th July 2024 where Year 6 children will experience life as a Brookfield student.

Our current plan for the Induction Programme includes:

  • Clear communication of all necessary information via our website and social media pages ( and
  • Introductions from key members of the transition team.
  • An introduction to curriculum areas.
  • An opportunity for Year 6 children to introduce themselves to form staff via the “This is me” worksheet.
  • An opportunity for Year 6 children to complete some bridging work from a variety of curriculum areas.

Please encourage your child to look at the website and social media pages for updates. If you or they have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

What uniform does my son/daughter need to wear at Brookfield?

The uniform policy and guidance is on the school website in the Parent Hub. Our uniform can be ordered throughout the year from

Gogna and Just School Wear, who aim to have it delivered within 72 hours of ordering.

Where do I order PE kit from?

PE kit has the school logo on and should be ordered from our uniform supplier Gogna. The PE kit requirements can be found here. It is crucial that you write your child’s name in their kit, otherwise it is impossible to return to them if they lose it.

How can I keep track of the homework my son/daughter is set?

We use an app called Show My Homework to set and track homework. In the first week at school your child will be given a login code for them to use and also one for you to use. You will then be able to see exactly what homework has been set and when it needs to be handed in by. More details are available here.

Who do I contact at school if I have a concern about my son/daughter?

The first port of call for any concerns about your child should be their form tutor. They will have daily contact with your son/daughter and will know them best. You can do this by ringing the main school reception. If they are teaching then they will get in touch with you when they are free. The form tutor will then aim to resolve the issue or direct it to another member of staff if appropriate.

What happens if my son/daughter receives a detention during the school day?

If a student is issued a detention in lessons 1-4 by one of their subject staff, then they will sit the detention the same day at the end of school. We will text you to let you know that this is happening. If a student is given a detention during lesson 5 then we will set the detention for the following day and again send you a text.

There are two types of detention that a child could be issued in a lesson, either a C3 which will be a 45 minute detention or a C4 detention which is an hour. For further information on the behaviour policy take a look  here.

What do I do if my son/daughter is ill?

If your child is unable to come to school due to ill health please ring and let school know as soon as possible. If this is a situation where they may miss school for more than a couple of days please speak to your child’s form tutor. Without a reason being provided for absence it will be recorded as unauthorised.

What will happen if my son/daughter has problems with attending school?

If attendance to school starts to become a concern we will work with you to rectify this. The attendance officer will get in touch if your child’s attendance falls below 90% to see how we can assist and rectify the issue.

What do I do if my son/daughter needs to take medication at school?

On the few occasions when medicine does have to be brought into school, it should be clearly labelled, complete with the original dispensing label. Medicines cannot be given in school if they are not provided in accordance with this guidance.

The label should clearly state:

  • Name of student
  • Date of dispensing
  • Dose and dose frequency
  • Cautionary advice/special storage instructions
  • Name of medicine
  • Expiry date – where applicable.

School Meals Information

Meals in secondary schools are very different to primary school. Firstly there are 2 different service times, so food will be available at: 

  • Morning break
  • Lunchtime 

Our dining system is similar to a cafe; this means that you will be able to choose which items you like from a wide selection of freshly prepared foods. 

During lunchtime, most food items are available as a “meal deal” similar to a meal in primary school so include: 

  • Main course, dessert and a drink 

Alternatively if you would like a snack or would just like to buy a drink, all other items can be bought individually. 

The method of payment for your food is also different to primary schools. Most secondary’s operate a “cashless system” which means that you will use a fingerprint reader at the till. Our system requires money to be loaded on to your account via ParentPay.

If you are entitled to free school meals you will automatically get a daily meal allowance added to your account for you to spend. If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the Free School Meals team on 01629 536400 who will happily answer any queries you may have. 

If you have any queries about any part of the meals service please speak with our Catering Team in school on 01246 568441

For more information on school meals at Brookfield, sample menus, and forms for dietary requirements, please see this page.

Internet Safety

Please click on the link below for guidance about Internet safety when your child moves up to secondary school: