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GCSE Drama

GCSE Drama is a highly successful course at Brookfield and is a subject where students can achieve and enjoy. Drama not only allows students to access specialist learning about acting and theatre but it can also; focus on self-expression and communication, enhance creativity, encourage co-operation and develop confidence in all students.

The course is for students who are keen performers, confident, want to develop their understanding of drama, like to work practically, are committed and enthusiastic about drama and are creative and willing to share ideas.  It is also for those with a passion for technical theatre; set, lighting, costume, make-up and design.  Everyone will also have the opportunity of visiting theatres and experiencing professional productions; we also attend run a West End residential and take part in workshops with professionals.

To succeed in GCSE Drama students need three things:

  • Commitment
  • Enthusiasm
  • Willingness to work above and beyond

In order to achieve students need to work co-operatively in a variety of groups. They develop their analytical writing through practice in lessons and at home. Students develop their ability to express their ideas and experiment ways of communicating to an audience. They must be prepared to spend time outside of lessons rehearsing for both Component 2 and 3.


Be prepared to spend time outside of lessons rehearsing for both Component 1 and 2.

Component 1: Devising Drama and Coursework

40% of the qualification

Students can opt for performing or technical aspect.

This component is marked internally and moderated externally.

Component 2: Performance From Text

20% of the qualification

Performance for an audience - students can opt for performing or a technical aspect.

This component is marked by an external examiner.

Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice

1 hour 30 minutes written examination – 40% of the qualification

Section A – 45 marks, short and extended answers

Section B – 15 marks, live theatre evaluation. Students can bring in 500 words of notes.

This component is marked externally.

Further Education and Career Opportunities:

GCSE Drama can lead on to professional training or A Level Theatre Studies, but is equally valuable in many careers involving working with people and thinking creatively to solve problems from journalism to teaching or from nursing and social work to business management. Students can also go onto study Level 3 BTECs at college.

Examining Board:



Mrs Ashley