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GCSE English Language and English Literature

This course follows an integrated approach which results in students gaining two separate GCSE certificates, one in English Language and one in English Literature.  The course aims to develop students’ abilities to:

  • Advance individual skills of communication in both spoken and written language
  • Experience a wide range of written material, including literary and media texts and to respond imaginatively to them
  • Enjoy and appreciate the reading of poetry, plays and novels
  • Understand more about themselves, others and the world around them.

During the two year course, as well as studying and analysing literature (including that written during the 19th Century), students will be given the opportunity to examine non-literary material.  All students will also study a work of Shakespeare.

As writers, students will be given many opportunities to produce descriptive and persuasive texts.  

Speaking and listening is an integral part of the course and students will be encouraged to take part in group discussion, debates, role play and the preparation and delivery of formal talks based on students’ individual interests. Speaking and Listening marks will be reported separately to the GCSE grades.


English Language:

2 Final Examinations - 100%

English Literature:  

2 Final Examinations - 100%

Further Education and Career Opportunities:

Success in English is essential for almost all further education and career opportunities.  Many successful students go on to study English and/or English Literature at A Level in the Sixth Form.

Examining Board:



Mrs Lloyd