Welcome to Year 9 Guided Choices 2025
Guided Choices is the process by which Year 9 students choose their KS4 subjects. Over the next half term our Year 9 students and parents will have the opportunity to hear about the KS4 subjects available for them to choose at Brookfield Community School. These subjects will sit alongside the compulsory subjects to ensure all students have a broad and balanced curriculum. There will be opportunities throughout the process to ask questions and receive guidance from teachers and Mrs Morse, our Careers Advisor.
How do students choose their GCSEs?
All students will receive a copy of the Guided Choices booklet by email, and parents will also receive a copy. The booklet describes the process and the subjects available, and can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Carefully read through the booklet and look to see which combinations of subjects you are able to choose
- Watch the subject introduction videos by clicking the on the link to the left
- Ask questions during form time, or send them to:
- Discuss with your family
Important Dates
On Wednesday, 28th January 2025 from 6-8pm, there will be a Year 9 Guided Choices Evening where parents and students can visit the different departments to speak to teachers and discuss studying their subject at KS4.
Following these interviews, the link to an online Options form will be sent out. This form should be completed and submitted by Wednesday 12th February.
If you have any problems accessing your Guided Choices form, please contact
Moving into Key Stage 4 is an exciting time that provides you with more independence and offers you responsibilities regarding your future.
At the start of this new half-term we started the KS4 Guided Choices process where you consider your subject choices for Year 10 and 11. You have had the opportunity to hear from subject teachers in assemblies, and you will continue to have the opportunity to ask questions about the subjects available to you at Brookfield. This is an important time in your school career, and we will make available to your parents the information you have received to help them support you with your choices.
At Key Stage 4 there are certain subjects that are compulsory and some that you may be recommended to do. We use the term Guided Choices as, at this stage in your school career you have certain choices of direction. You may wish to concentrate on an academic pathway fulfilling all the requirements of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), opt for some of our vocational subjects, or look for a combination of both. Whatever you choose, you will be guided through the process by senior teachers and have the opportunity to speak with Mrs Morse, Careers Advisor.
During these meetings with senior teachers you will be supported in choosing a range of subjects that will broaden your knowledge and keep your career options open. If you are already interested in a particular job, apprenticeship, or going on to study at a sixth form, college or university, you should check that your choices help you to progress to where you want to go.
When you have had your guidance interview, we will ask you to complete an online Guided Choices form with your choices on it. Most students will study 9 GCSE or GCSE equivalent subjects. We will work hard to make sure everyone gets the choices they have made, but running any course does depend on having sufficient numbers of students interested and your choices fitting our timetable.
We look forward to working with you during this exciting time.
The Guided Choices booklet has been designed to inform you about the next, exciting phase in your son/daughter’s education: Guided Choices. Your son/daughter will already have been given information about Guided Choices in school assemblies, and they may have already been discussing this with you.
In the past, this process has been known as Options, but there have been significant national changes to examinations and entry requirements to academic courses and apprenticeships. Therefore, we have adapted this process to ensure all students are fully informed and prepared for a balanced selection of courses.
The courses that are followed in Years 10 and 11 will influence your son/daughter’s long-term future, and so we feel it is important that students are guided throughout the process by one of our senior teachers. Each student will have an individual meeting where they will be given recommendations by this teacher over possible combinations of subjects leading to a well-balanced range of qualifications. These recommendations will be made through a holistic view of the student and in conversation with their form tutor and subject teachers.
As you read through the booklet we will explain the Guided Choices processes and the timelines in which these occur. We hope you find it informative and that it will support you and your son/daughter at this time.
What subjects will students study?
All students will study the following Core courses:
- English Language (GCSE)
- English Literature (GCSE)
- Mathematics (GCSE)
- Science (GCSE)
- Core PE
- Life 360 - All students will engage in PSHE and RSE enrichment drop down days. As with KS3, aspects of British Values will be explored during Curriculum time, and students will be able to develop their cultural awareness, challenge stereotypes and develop skills necessary to keep them safe. Students will also be encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities and further develop life skills.
How do I choose my subjects?
In addition to the compulsory Core subjects above , students will study:
- Geography or History
- German or Spanish where recommended and
- 2 further subjects from the list of Guided Choices subjects opposite
- OR 3 further subjects where French or Spanish have not been chosen.
Students should also choose a reserve choice in case it is not possible to timetable their preferred subjects.
A list of the Guided Choices subjects can be found on the left. Click on them for more information.