Students who undertake GCSE PE need to be practically able across at least three sports. They should also have a wider interest in sport and physical activity. In the practical element students are assessed in three activities: one team, one individual and one choice.
Students will be expected to participate in extra-curricular sport to develop their skills and performance level. The theory element of the course is worth 60% of the overall grade and it contains a large element of anatomy and physiology.
Year 10
The focus in Year 10 is completing practical assessments in trampolining, badminton, table tennis, handball, netball, athletics and football. The theory focus will be preparing for Paper 1 which focuses on the following topics:
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology
- Movement Analysis
- Physical Training
- Use of Data
Year 11
The focus in Year 11 is completing additional practical assessments where appropriate and completing the performance analysis. The theory focus will be preparing for Paper 2 which focuses on the following topics:
- Sports Psychology
- Socio-cultural Influences
- Health, Fitness and Well-being
- Use of Data
Performance Analysis
Students complete this in Year 11. It involves students identifying strengths and weaknesses in their own or someone else’s performance and then producing an action plan suggesting ways to improve.
Exam Paper 1: Physical factors affecting performance 30%
Exam Paper 2: Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology 30%
Coursework: Practical performance in 3 sports and performance analysis 40%
Further Education and Career Opportunities:
A Level PE, vocational sport courses at college, leisure/recreation industry, nursing/health services, armed forces, police and teaching.
Please Note: Students who select Physical Education as one of their choices will be placed by the Physical Education department in either GCSE PE or Sport and Coaching Principles Level 1/2 Vocational Award.
Examining Board:
Mr D Thompson