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Guidance for Students


  • Read the Guided Choices Booklet carefully.  It is full of useful information to help guide your decisions.
  • Make sure you view the subject introduction videos on our website.
  • Spend some time discussing your choices with your parents.
  • Choose subjects that you are interested in.
  • Think about your strengths and skills and the subjects that you are currently performing well in.
  • Select a broad choice of subjects – don’t choose subjects that are all very similar.  A broad and balanced curriculum will provide you with the best opportunities at the next stage of your education or in employment.
  • Ask for advice if you need it – talk to your form tutor, Head of Year, subject teachers or SLT.  
  • Consider what you may wish to study after your GCSEs – if you want to study A Levels then these usually require that a GCSE or equivalent qualification has already been studied.


  • Pick subjects just because your friends are choosing them – there is no guarantee that you would end up in the same class.
  • Pick subjects because you like the teachers – or equally because you don’t like your current teacher.  You do not know who your teacher will be in KS4.

Once you have made your decision you need to complete the option form and return it to your form tutor. 

Remember you must select four choices (one of which is either History or Geography and no more than two vocational courses). 


We cannot guarantee all students will be given their first choice subjects as some combinations may be difficult or impossible to meet, and some subjects may not attract enough interest for them to run, so it is essential that students indicate a reserve choice.

Once forms are handed in, we will work with students to produce a timetable that matches their choices. Any students who are not given their first choice subjects will have the opportunity to speak to a senior member of teaching staff.  

Please note, only option classes with viable student numbers will be able to run.